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Own It August 02, 2022

Genre: Thriller

Runtime: 93 Minutes

UPC: MAV-5843, 824355584325


After moving to Las Vegas to get away from an abusive relationship to live her cousin, Shay Waters falls into the street lifestyle that her cousin is mixed up in. Being that she is in survivor made, she quickly makes a name for herself as a madam.

Produced By

Bobby M. Peoples & Renee Peoples

Directed By

Bobby M. Peoples, Renee Peoples


Janae Heard, Rachi Herring,Parishia Henderson, Julie Garcia Briceno, Juan Bishaw, Timothy Krabill

About the Crew

  • Bobby Peoples is a producer, director, and writer known for Taboo (2016), Fixation (2018), Domestic Warfare (2020), and Dirty Little Secret (2022).
  • Janae Heard is an actress and director, known for The Amazing J.Nicole, The Junky Warrior (2021) and Pimpstress (2022).
  • Rachi Herring is an actress, known for The Junky Warrior (2021), Pimpstress (2022) and The Higher Spirit (2022).
  • Julie Garcia-Briceno is an actress and producer known for Lie (2017), Art of the Dead (2019), and Here Comes Death (2021).