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A Change Is Coming

Own It March 11, 2014

Genre: Inspirational

Runtime: 120 Minutes

UPC: MAV-5436, 824355543623


A Change Is Coming tells the story of a family drifting apart and a grandmother and matriarch whose faith in the power of prayer brings everyone together. After the death of her husband, Pearl is convinced to move up north and live with her daughter, Renee, her son-in-law Walter and her two grandchildren. As Pearl reunites with her family, she recognizes the separation that has occurred in the family and begins to open their eyes to the things they overlooked.

Produced By

Micheal McCorkle

Directed By

Michael McCorkle


Joe Blunt, Audria P. Crowder, Stephanie Baker

About the Crew

  • Velocity Magazine Award Winner 'Best Film/Stage Play.
  • 'Pearl, played by Yendy Brown creates a Grandmother many wish was a member of their own family' - Lubbock Avalanche-Journal.
  • 'Absolutely brilliant! Powerful writing, phenomenal Music' Winston Chaney - Radio One Spirit 1340 am.
  • 'A real stage play with a real story about real people' - Tony Richards, WHUR, 96.3 fm.
  • 'A captivating stage play! It is no surprise is SOLD-OUT' Latoya Stevens, Radio One Marketing.
