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Danger of Entrapment

Own It October 31, 2023

Genre: Drama

Runtime: 82 Minutes

UPC: MAV-5999, 824355599923


A post on social media reports that eleven black girls have gone missing. The police, the mayor, and the community want to know the truth, causing a special task force to be assembled to investigate the report.

Produced By

Roosevelt Jackson, Niani Stewart Jackson

Directed By

Roosevelt Jackson


Tammi Rogers, Rochelle Bailey Vaughan, Johnny Rossettos Jr., Devonta Baucum

About the Crew

  • Roosevelt Jackson is a producer, director, and writer known Misconception of a Father (2016), District Queens (2022), Covered Silence (2022), and The Queens Court (2023).
  • Rochelle Bailey-Vaughan is an actress known for Misconception of a Father (2016), The Queens Court (2023), and Bullied (2023).