La Casa Loca
Own It March 27, 2007
Genre: Comedy
Runtime: 83 Minutes
UPC: MAV-5219, 824355521924
La Casa Loca is a raunchy college frat comedy about a Latino from New York who tries to fit in at a very White college in America's Midwest. Jaime Sanchez (Juan Perez, 'El Cantante') works at a car wash, and lives with his close-knit family in Brooklyn. A miserable failure with the ladies, he takes the advice of his brothers and buddies to try going to college to meet easy female co-eds, and finally end his unlucky streak. He applies to colleges with relaxed admission standards, and much to his amazement is accepted by a small town college in Indiana. Jaime plans to hit the campus party scene, meet hot sorority girls and major in wild college sex. However, Jaime discovers that he is a cultural outcast. Along with his freaky Mexican roommate and other campus misfits, Jaime forms his own fraternity house - ALPHA CINCO DE MAYO DELTA, and challenges the status of KAPPA KAPPA KAPPA (aka KKK) as the Craziest Party House on Campus.
Directed By
Z. Winston Brown
Jon Arthur, Juan Perez, Tatiana Dellepiane
About the Crew
- Hilarious Latino Comedy • If you Liked Van Wilder, Check out This Cinco De Mayo Frat House!
- This hilarious title takes you from the hood to college and what you learn is how to throw the hottest fiesta of the year. Game on. . . ALPHA CINCO DE MAYO DELTA vs. KAPPA KAPPA KAPPA -may the best frat win. . . who's side will you be on?