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Own It December 12, 2023

Genre: Thriller

Runtime: 92 Minutes

UPC: MAV-6041, 824355604122


Renne and Isaac live the perfect marriage except that there is no sexual pleasure. Isaac believes sex is for procreation and nothing more. While writing her erotic book, she begins her journey of sexual pleasure in reality.

Produced By

Marquand Ragland, Matthew Smith, Eric Huynh

Directed By

Marquand Ragland, Dominic L. Santana


Dominic L. Santana, Brittany Shonta, Christopher "Coolie" Thomas, Rome Jeterr, Madison Warren-Coombs

About the Crew

  • Marquand Ragland is a director and producer known for Take me To Amazing (2022), The Christmas Spirit (2022), Monogamish (2023), and Dope Boy Magic (2023).
  • Dominic L. Santana is an actor known for Al Eyes on Me (2017), Unsolved: The Murders of Tupac and the Notorious B.I.G. (2018), and Hightown (2021).
  • Madison Warren-Coombs is an actress known for Ladies Choice (2022), Secure the Bag 2 (2022), Monogamish (2023), and Memoirs of a Vixen (2023).