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Box Art for The Queens Ball

The Queens Ball

Own It May 07, 2024

Genre: Action, Drama

Runtime: 74 Minutes

UPC: MAV-6159, 824355615920


Racine Robinson is the queen pin of a criminal empire, alongside her daughters Cand and Kat. Racine is celebrating her 50th birthday and invited all the regional crime families to come and celebrate. Unbeknownst to her, a contract has been taking out to kil Racine on her birthday. With government intervention, and various talking heads, the death of Racine could lead to open warfare in the city.

Produced By

Niani Stewart Jackson, Roosevelt Jackson

Directed By

Roosevelt Jackson


Rochelle Bailey Vaughan, Chyna Pink, Kathleen Vaughn Crosby-Brooks, Shafeqah Pasha

About the Crew

  • Roosevelt Jackson is a producer, director, and writer known Misconception of a Father (2016), District Queens (2022), and Covered Silence (2022).
  • Kathleen V. Crosby-Brooks is an actress known for We Was Homeboys (2012), Noo More Bully Zone (2019), and Covered Silence (2022).