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Sunday School

Own It May 13, 2008

Genre: Drama

Runtime: 100 Minutes

UPC: MAV-5270, 824355527025


Rachel, the new girl in town, is urged to attend Sunday School, but when she agrees she gets more than she bargained for. Quickly falling for a young handsome pastor, her affections don't go unnoticed by his ex-girlfriend. Torn between her past dreams of Hollywood stardom and a new found relationship with God, Rachel must make a choice.

Directed By

Marcello Thedford


Jerome Hawkins, Amber Nicole, Christian Omari, Alonzo Jones, Natalie Merchant

About the Crew

  • Jerome Hawkins - Consignment, A Night in Compton
  • Inspiration titles are a HIT on DVD!
  • In the vein of Don't Touch if You Aint Prayed, comes Sunday School!