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Treasure Raiders

Own It June 02, 2009

Genre: Action

Runtime: 92 Minutes

UPC: MAV-5308, 824355530827


A Russian street racing star has met his match in a sly American racer. As they both rival for control on the streets they must put aside their differences and band together to search for a lost templar treasure. With time, police, and the mafia against them will they find the treasure before it is too late?

Directed By

Brent Huff


Alexander Nevsky, David Carradine, Steven Brand, Sherilyn Fenn, Olga Rodionova

About the Crew

  • Starring Russian action star Alexander Nevsky - Magic Man, Red Serpent, Moscow Heat
  • Treasure Raiders was featured on the cover of VARIETY (Circulation: 35,000)
  • The Treasure Raiders trailer has over 12,000 views on Youtube
  • Steven Brand - The Scorpion King, The Human Contract
  • David Carradine - Won a Saturn Award for Best Supporting Actor and was nominated for a Golden Globe for his role as Bill in Kill Bill, Nominated for an Emmy for his role on the TV series 'Kung Fu'
  • Sherilyn Fenn-Nominated for a Golden Globe and Emmy for her role in 'Twin Peaks'
  • Andrew Divoff -Starred in Oblivion and Toy Soldiers
  • William Shockley Played Hank Lawson on 'Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman'
  • Promoted on Myspace and Facebook