When Love Comes Knocking
Own It December 20, 2022
Genre: Drama, Romance
Runtime: 76 Minutes
UPC: MAV-5884, 824355588422
Veronica Richardson, a girl who has never been with a good man, is caught off guard when true love finds its way to her doorstep. It is up to her if she wants to let it in or shut it out. Damaged and heartbroken from a past childhood friend, Veronica had lost all hope to ever be able to love again.
Produced By
Maurice Jones
Directed By
Maurice Jones
Chantal Hayes Randall, Christian Davis, Chandra Smartt Spicer, Eric Mayes
About the Crew
- Maurice Jones is a writer and producer know for films such as LOVE BEAT THE HELL OUT OF ME, WHAT IS IT FOR A MAN TO GAIN THE WORLD AND LOSE HIS SOUL, MEMORIES, GAIN THE WORLD, JOYFUL PRAISE AND INNOCENT BAD BOY. Maurice has also help co-produce many other films, did some acting in many films such as the movie MAGIC and many more.
- Eric Mayes is an actor known for Magic (2019), Lil ceasar (2020), and The Walk of Rufus (2022).
- Chandra Smartt-Spicer is an actress and producer known for Joyful Praise (2020), Gain the World (2022), and When Love Comes Knocking (2022).